:: anne in the attic ::

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:: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ::

Last night I dreamt of spiders. All kinds, but mostly big ones, dark ones. My mom and I were on a road trip together, and one of the places we stopped was a hostel that was kind of under construction. The deal was that if you wanted to stay there, you had to pitch in a little with the construction. When we parked our car, it was inadvertently right over a "spider pit." (Where do I come up with these things?) The spiders were angry, as they were guarding white marble-sized silk balls full of eggs-- lots of them. And when we got inside of the half-finished hostel, there was quite a jockey for bed space, and we ended up in a very spidery area. The little buggers were fast, too, and they could jump. It seems the spiders were bothering me more than mom. We were discussing driving on down the road when I woke up. I haven't had an "icky" dream in a while, so I don't know what's up with that. Tomorrow, mom's driving in and we're going to work outside for a bit, but I don't think that warrants scary spider dreams.

Yup, it's vacation week #1 for 2004. I've actually accomplished quite a bit, though not as much as I wished. Guess I had to come to terms with the fact that all I wanted to do just wasn't possible within the time frame of one week. Not and do any kind of socializing. I've managed to get the music studio together, made some worthy hardware purchases, I hope. I've also connected with a few folks, so I don't feel totally isolated. Mostly, I've been letting the creativity ooze at will. With a dedicated space for that, it's so easy just to walk into that venue, sit down, and do it. That, after all, was the idea. It seems I may have some collaborators as well. I want to release my expectations about what happens in there, let go of too much structure; sometimes the greatest things occur unexpectedly.

:: Anne 8:47 AM [smartass remarks] ::

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