:: anne in the attic ::

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:: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ::

I can't stand Valentine's Day. Took a quiz to prove it [yet again]....

Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"

You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)

Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic

What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays

Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get

:: Anne 5:55 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 ::
Ah, yes: Mercury in retrograde. That does explain a lot.

But not everything. I'm still feeling isolated, and things in general aren't going as smoothly as I'd like. I have very little motivation, it seems, to do the things I'm supposed to be doing... even to do the things I thought I WANTED to do. Maybe I just need more coffee.

:: Anne 9:14 AM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 ::
I just changed this blog's settings to "private," as in "by invitation only"-- we'll see if it takes. Hopefully it did, because I need to unload. Why? Because I don't feel like censoring myself much lately. For how long? For a while, maybe, we'll see, I guess. I don't know. Hell, nobody reads my blog anyway, so what the hell? I guess if I make it public again, I can always go back and delete stuff I don't want out there. If I care, that is.

I'm in a pretty bad head. I haven't been able to connect. And I just get the feeling that people don't want me around. There certainly are other-- better-- people to know than I, to be sure. "Better" in every sense of the word: smarter, friendlier, more giving, and definitely better looking. It's really hard for me sometimes to believe in people's ability to look past how ugly I am and find something they want to know inside me, because more often than not, people fail to do that. There's not a lot I can do about how I look. I guess I could lose a bazillion pounds, but it's more than that. I can't change my facial structure or the shape of my head, the color of my eyes, placement of my ears, etc.

Nope, I don't have a partner. Or kids. I guess after a while, some people think that makes me a loser. Well, maybe. But I'd rather be alone than go through anything close to the hell I barely escaped in my last "relationship," if one could even call it that. I lost a lot of time, friends, money, and mostly self-esteem in that one. I'm still trying to set straight the lies she told.

But who cares? That's what it comes down to. Not many.

Today I sat in my truck at work and realized the truth in that. And admitted to myself how miserable it made me. There's nothing I can do about it and I am out of energy to try.

So I made a pact with myself. Once those beings have left this plane, so will I. I faced the rock-hard truth that if I left, the only people it would truly adversely affect are my mother (whom I would never hurt like that) and my beautiful, loving cats, who wouldn't understand why I had left them. Once they are gone, it won't matter at all. I'm figuring around five years or so. And that feels like an eternity from here. Maybe it won't take that long. Or maybe I'll change my mind about it, but right now, I'm just exhausted from hurting all the time. This gives me time enough to finish up the projects I have promised, and I intend to do that.

But I had a vision today that gave me peace. I had wrapped up all the details in my life. No one was waiting on anything from me. On a beautiful sunny day I drove out to the woods, parked my car, and walked off the path deep into them. In a pine-scented grove, the sun shining through the trees, I stood and smiled, took a deep peaceful breath, raised a gun to my head, and went back to the earth I loved. Nothing for anyone to clean up anywhere, no expenses to be paid. I saw it all and it was beautiful.

****EDITOR'S POST SCRIPT 4/15/2007:
It didn't last-- the "privacy" act, so to speak. So y'all will just have to take all with the proverbial grain, and realize that we ALL do battle inside now and again. And if we're lucky, we come out of it with a stronger sense of who we are in the world, an increased capacity for compassion, and the ability to appreciate our own dynamic emotional ranges. That doesn't mean these feelings go away, not at all. We just incorporate them into our being, a bittersweetness that subtly enhances our characters and experiences.

:: Anne 7:06 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Monday, February 05, 2007 ::
In five days it will be 21 years ago that my younger step-brother was killed in California. I don't think about it much, really, only sometimes. We weren't that close.

Story of my life.

It continues to become harder for me to connect with other people. I just don't have the courage, I guess. And it seems lately that unless somebody wants something from me, nobody calls. And if I call, nobody calls me back. I wonder what the universe is trying to tell me. It's not that I don't have shit to do. In fact, there's a lot hanging over my head right now, it seems. But it just feels empty.

Think I'm falling.

:: Anne 7:16 PM [smartass remarks] ::

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