:: anne in the attic ::

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:: Sunday, October 17, 2004 ::

Just want to mention some brilliant verbal gems from my current favorite film, "Laurel Canyon:"

1. "My clock is fucked." -- Jane.
2. "I was sublimating you." -- Sarah.
3. Nearly everything that comes out of Gloria's mouth in the hospital, but especially "You don't understand naked -- naked is inner."

If I am to acknowledge that a significant portion of my daily life requires sublimation, then I should clarify. My social ineptitude is such that I often do not trust in my own responses, so I may shroud them in give-a-fuck attitudes and other risk-removing devices. But if you keep people at bay long enough, they just might give up on you. The social dance is an intricate and complex combination of steps. And it is certainly not my forte, but how much am I willing to trip and fall in order to lay foundations and put myself out there? I guess I should just learn which situations are okay for me and which are not. Dances are decidedly not. Nature walks are. It's frustrating not to have better intuition about these things at this late date in my life. But in many ways, I feel that I am just now awakening to how I am in the world; for so long, I didn't actually have to BE in the world, not really. Hard to explain, but I've always been somewhat removed from it. Now, though much of my life still occurs within the confines of what I have built, there are factors that cannot be ignored, and push me head-first into an unfamiliar and somewhat uncomfortable arena.

:: Anne 4:04 PM [smartass remarks] ::

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