:: Sunday, October 07, 2007 ::
Fire has pervaded my thoughts these last few weeks since I saw that burned house up by the university. I can't seem to go a day without running into a fire theme or having some sort of worry about fire.
Last night after my dad and his wife left for the hotel [they're up from California for a short visit], I watched the film "1408," which -- lest I proffer spoilers -- incorporates fire into the story. I liked the film a lot -- wonderful textures and colors, and I've always liked John Cusack.
What can I say about Dad & Marilyn? I suppose a lot of it is still incubating and may come forth after a little distance fosters the necessary perspective to write about it. But they're looking good. And they seem happy, as always. We're so different, really. There seems to be very little overlap. And I guess I've never actually [in 25+ years!] had this much dialogue with Marilyn about... well, anything. Nothing much has really changed over time, except that I think I'm more relaxed around them now. I guess it's because I don't really care as much if they judge me-- and if they do, my experience can put it in perspective. I'm just being me and they can take it or leave it.
So tomorrow is their last day here and they head South early Tuesday morning. I'm thinking about getting some footage of Dad, just for fun. There are other family issues loosely on the docket, but they'll have to unfold a little before I can decipher things here.
:: Anne 11:52 PM [smartass remarks] ::