:: Monday, April 28, 2008 ::
In a way, I lucked out. My temperament is not exactly suited to schmoozing. It's not in my nature to bury my nose in someone's keister in order to land contracts or close business deals. I'm not up for the task of proposals and offers in order to compete for income. Instead, I lucked out, as I said. I found a place that took me as I am, and pays me pretty decently for honest work. I don't have to beg or compete; I just have to show up and perform the work.
A quick aside: Whoa, welcome to the Whiteaker neighborhood! I'm guessing there are only a few places in the country where musicians will knock on your front door because they hear or have heard you playing and they want to play with you. I told the guy to come back in a year or so-- that I'm a bit booked up 'til then....
...And back to our irregularly scheduled blogram: I've been thinking about this [top paragraph], as this year, my graduating high school class meets for its 25th reunion, and a couple of the class uber-geeks (as nearly all of us were regular geeks at that school) have set up a a web/blog page where we can all commune for the next month leading up to the big event. I will be at my choir's song selection retreat that weekend, but it's fun reading everybody's posts and banter.
My class is full of doctors and lawyers, educators, realtors and developers, and mostly people who own or who have started their own businesses-- at least the ones who have checked in so far, save me. I feel like an anomaly (...and I sort of did then, too: a hippie-kid plunked down into a preppie boarding school in a posh community, where on the weekends, my peers went riding, sailing, played tennis in Palm Springs, or went across the border to Tijuana to score alcohol). Perhaps there are others like me, who just haven't posted on the blog yet, for whatever reason. Most of my peers seem to be highly successful folks. Sure, there are a few who have inherited their wealth and have never faced the need to earn a living-- I don't count them, really; they're what my AP chem teacher used to call "in orbit"-- they don't affect the curve. Only three of us are gay (to my knowledge), and all three have checked in. One of them was my best friend there (surprise, surprise). I will have to put the 30th reunion on the schedule now, as I am already regretting missing this one.
:: Anne 7:18 PM [smartass remarks] ::