:: Friday, March 28, 2003 ::
My little blog is starving to death. Apologies to those who come looking for updates and find none.
Spring is usually like this, I guess. I topped out at 55 hours of work this past week, and next week looks to be slated about the same. This is the busy season, when everybody starts going on annual leave, and work really picks up until about September. Nice for the overtime, but there are so many other things I want to do as the weather warms up.
But just now, I need a little breather. I find myself rather perplexed today at someone's behavior toward me last night during a meeting. I let it get to me all day, and it consumed more energy than it should have, considering that I believe this person's hostility toward me said more about her than it did about me. Still, I didn't expect it, so it took me off guard. I always hate it when a wolf in sheep's clothing slips under my radar. As always, though, once I've seen the wolf for what it is, why do I still care? Is it ego? Is it compassion? Or is it merely a curiosity as to why people do the things they do, seemingly unprovoked? The Virgo analyst craves a behaviorist sociology. Answers. I guess the thing that really bothers me is that I thought this person respected me -- so there's the bruised ego, I guess. I am resisting the urge to categorize this person, although it would be a simple task, because I suspect my words would be borne of retaliation. And though others witnessed her harsh words, I left the situation before I could "check in" with anyone else about what they perceived. So I stewed about it all by myself all day. I don't like being so affected by others' negativity. I need to develop better ways of shucking this shit off -- because I sure don't need other people's shit stickin' to me! Okay, I'm done with this now. I hope. Goodnight.
:: Anne 9:34 PM [smartass remarks] ::