:: Friday, May 09, 2003 ::
Ah, one more day of work, and then I slip into my second week of vacation. It's been a hectic week, and I'm ready to do some serious relaxing. The kickoff is Sunday, when I'll drive up to Corvallis to hang out with mom for the day. We'll probably have lunch out, and then I'll finally take the photos necessary to construct a digital portfolio of her latest series of sculptures (which are probably my favorite work of hers to date). Grant and mom had their time together when they took an overnighter up to Breitenbush last Sunday, which sounds pretty cool.
Last Saturday's concert was somewhat of a surprise. Things went wrong that I didn't expect; yet, other things went better than I expected. All in all, I believe it was a success. Due to a late work schedule, I missed the beginning of rehearsal last night, and therefore much of the feedback and year-end wrap-up talk. (Two people tried to tape it for me, but those little recorders just aren't very good at getting diction -- just sounds and tones.) One woman relayed a comment she'd overheard in the audience, where some man had said that we were pretty good, considering our "pedestrianism." If he only knew. I'm sure that so many people have no idea what this group of women give to each other in this choir. Most people just see a choir, but they don't see the intense community within it. My words are ridiculously inadequate when it comes to this; I cannot express what it has meant to me this past year -- and perhaps it's just as well. Some things feel so much better in their unsaid state. Yet today, I found myself thinking quite a bit about not having the choir all summer. And I felt rather bereft. Or perhaps I was just having a bad day. (Dwelling on interpersonal communications again, are we? Hmm....) There's just something about attending a rehearsal with fifty-some-odd other lesbian women all in a room together once a week. It's so much more than just a choir, but I think every one of us in it knows that. This is why, every chance I get, I'll be sitting in the stands for those softball games.
I blog, therefore I am.
:: Anne 10:08 PM [smartass remarks] ::