:: Monday, May 26, 2003 ::
I skipped softball practice this afternoon, for interpersonal reasons. Things took a familiar turn last night, as I discovered that someone close to me has been up to the same old shit. I've dealt with this before, but this will be the last time. There's too much that's good in the world to spend time getting sucked into someone's repeated manipulations. If that sounds a bit callous, I hope it's only because this person has tried me so much that now I'm just feeling used up with regard to her. Ah, well. Last night was not a good one.
Today, however, I resolved to move in a positive direction... so I cleaned my house. Then I finally resurrected my indoor water fountain, put together the Shaker table for it to sit on, and cut a couple of choice bits from the yard to adorn it, ikebana-style. Later on, I ran a few errands, including visiting my brother's to care for his cat while he's in Portland this weekend. After that, this illness caught up with me again and I had to rest for a while, so I did some reading and a bit of paper-pushing. Not a particularly fascinating day, but with such low energy, I guess it's to be expected. In times like this, Nyquil is my saviour.
:: Anne 12:31 AM [smartass remarks] ::