:: Saturday, May 24, 2003 ::
Truly, the Talk Talk heroin albums were full of darkness, but with an intimacy and warmth that has always allowed me to explore that without reservation. I have been quarantined here in my den of technotoys and electronica since Wednesday night, when I began to battle a strange and sudden illness that swept me off my feet and into the infernal confines of my bed... and my mind. After two nights of tossing about in an achy sweat and a searing in my throat, I decided what the hell and visited my doctor yesterday afternoon. With a small co-pay (thank you, insurance) and a 45-minute wait, I found out that I do not have Strep or anything with a name, per se, except a temperature, a very raw throat, and a pounding headache. But it did get me a note from the doc to miss work today as well (that's three in a row -- a record for me), which means, with the holiday, that I don't have to feel better until Tuesday morning. Yay.
But I began to feel a little bored last night. I'd missed a softball game with quite a few friends in attendance on Thursday evening, and have been in self-imposed seclusion with the resolve that I will not come into personal contact with anyone until my fever breaks, when I will no longer be contagious. So I called a few friends to talk with people, and then I rented a couple of videos to pull me through. Even now, my throat is still hurting quite a bit (but nothing like it was), my head and body ache a bit, and I feel rather dragged out, but I do believe that the fever has finally broken. So I may drag my ass out to watch softball practice tomorrow afternoon just to see some people.
As for music, I finally opened the new White Stripes album I bought last week, and it was fanfuckingtastic. I also paid some attention to Phaser's "Sway" album, and for some odd reason, decided to pull out the two Talk Talk cd's after all of this time. Wow. I'd like to make a video with one of their songs as backing. But first I need to get a Firewire card and transfer cord (50 bucks at your local Circuit City, I'm told) so I can get more from my digital video recorder than just mpeg videos. Actually, that's all my computer can burn anyway, is mpeg's, using a VCD program (no DVD's), so I'll have to weigh that option against buying a whole new system in January, my target date.
:: Anne 5:44 PM [smartass remarks] ::