:: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 ::
Sometimes it's necessary to maintain radio silence in order to know what to say next. It's less a matter of nothing to say than of a careful sifting through of the incredible mass of thoughts, musings, experiences. It's also a matter of time and energy. For the next two weeks, I am granted somewhat of a reprieve in the form of an 8-hour-a-day limitiation. In September, that will be relaxed into a 10-hour limit, followed by a full release in October. Thank you, Dr. B. I am hoping this means a return to many of the projects I've had to set down for a while, including this one.
In the studio, there are several projects in various stages of rough drafts. I'm itching to polish some of them, hoping to ideate and create some more, with time on my hands. I can't seem to find the song I want to cover next, something from those years I played with James a lot. It was by a local band called The Detonators. According to research and websites, they are still around, I guess.
While walking through Home Depot this afternoon, I may have discovered that the familiar scent of the Mount Shasta KOA may have something to do with an unknown array of wood and cleaning supplies. There are some things I feel I will never know about my own past, and I can't seem to shake that off.
In the meantime, sleep is rather elusive. I suppose the vigilant could surmise that from the time stamp on this post. Ah, the new democracy of blogging, an accessible forum of expression for all. More thoughts on this at http://www.blogger.com/knowledge/2004/08/eats-blogs-leaves.pyra
Soon, the morning bicycle commute will require a sweater. The air will clear from the late summer harvests and burnings. Next, the leaves will begin to turn. Then for about three days, usually after the first truly cold snap some time in October, the brilliant leaves will flutter down and swirl through the air and surround our every outdoor move in one last reminder of where we're headed, where we've been. So soon.
:: Anne 2:22 AM [smartass remarks] ::