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:: Thursday, November 04, 2004 :: I am at a loss over what to say about the results of our national elections. Bush re-elected, gay marriage banned in eleven states.... How can people be so selfish and stupid? Our corn-fed, xenophobic little nation is sitting on its fat corporate butt and pillaging other countries under the guise of false threats. And then about-facing, Bible in hand, telling other people that their love for each other is wrong and will not be allowed, or recognized constitutionally-- all the while teaching hatred and intolerance to their own children in schools that have no funding for art, music, or anything else pertaining to the beautification of souls. All right, I lied: I'm not at a loss over what to say; I'm just too pissed not to spout off.
I only have an account at LJ, not here, but wanted to give you the reward of seeing that adding a comment option was not in vain. And perhaps encourage you to post more often, because some of us out here read it.
Soon you will know the joy of random posters in your personal blogspace. I had a little poster this morning, a misguided republican(?) lesbian(??) from alabama(??!) who posted in MY blog about how I should be more respectful of the southern states...i beat her to a bloody pulp, only because it was my journal (never would do that in a community)and republicans receive NO QUARTER in my blog. End of story. Perhaps you can now be as ruthless as I... squidney whose leftist leanings are (unfortnately) hidden beneath a warm, Betty Crocker façade
Drat, my carefully accented soft french 'c' was turned into a question mark.
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