:: Sunday, May 08, 2005 ::
"I believe we are born with our minds open to wonderful experiences, and only slowly learn to limit ourselves to narrow tastes." - Roger Ebert
I received an email query today from my old boarding school in Southern Cal asking for address updates and news for the "Class Notes" section of the quarterly alumni publication. Funny, I couldn't think of a damn thing I wanted to tell those people, not one thing I thought they might care about. I came from such a different place as most of them, and have ended up so far away in so many ways. My best friend and I still keep in touch, of course-- funny, we both discovered we were gay years after being at Bishop's. And while I was perusing the school's site updates, I came across the above quotation.
Another week of vacation over, and I spent much of it in isolation, despite my obligations. The weather wasn't too conducive to outdoor pursuits, so I ended up with a lot of time for music. I can't say I did everything I wanted to do this week (or even everything I needed to do... heh), but there was a bit of a trade-off. I lost myself in some work and ended up learning something I thought I might not be able to learn at first. Think I gained a skill, a technique-- it's rough, but I'm happy to have tried, to have wrapped my mind, my hands, and my voice around it, and pretty much succeeded. All in all, I've managed to learn quite a few new songs recently, of varying styles-- one even just yesterday, and another today.
Of course, I should be cracking down on memorizing and fine-tuning my choir music for our annual performance next weekend.... But what better time to be intensely creative than when you have other stuff hanging over your head that you should be doing instead?
:: Anne 11:56 PM [smartass remarks] ::