:: Sunday, August 28, 2005 ::
I've been on a serious ride of new music discovery for the last week or two. And it's feeding my soul like nothing else can. I'm hearing and learning new things, and beginning the long road of construction and scaffolding that will one day birth my life's work. Hope I don't run out of time before I finish it.
...Except that right in the middle of all of that, I almost did. Well, not really, because I'm still here, only a little worse for wear. I managed to take a fall yesterday that landed me in a field of broken old glass hidden beneath blackberry brambles. It sliced open my right wrist, palm and forearm in a pretty scary way. A cell phone call and a short ride later, I was triaged through the ER right into a room where I was shot with needles, cleansed, and stitched. For a few moments, though, as I waited for help to arrive and noticed the rate at which my blood was soaking my clothes and the bag I was carrying, I felt a brief wash of urgency and thought, "Okay, please hurry."
Today, I'm just sore. And a bit grateful. No severed tendons or broken bones, just several stitches in two places and some wonderful bruising. The stitches should come out in 10-14 days, and I'm on light duty at work until then. And no guitar (specifically, "no gripping or lifting"). That'll be hard, with all of these ideas flying through my head.
I go back and forth between wondering whether the universe has a hand and a purpose in the things that occur, and going over how I could have prevented it myself. I think it's a mistake to think about it either way, really, but I can't fathom another way to catalogue it right now. Anyway, I have faith in my body to heal, probably faster than expected. And in no time I'll have back the thing that matters most: the ability to make music. Until then, perhaps a more in-depth study of others' music is in order.
:: Anne 7:54 PM [smartass remarks] ::