:: Sunday, October 02, 2005 ::
Well, it's October now, and I resisted as long as I could, but today I finally had to turn on some heat. Around here, once you do that, it doesn't go off for the next six months.
No updates lately because of all of the projects in the works: the choir has begun its new season; I'm doing several audio format conversions for friends; started a documentary film-making class this term (at the beginning of what looks to be a three-year video project ahead); still doing work on the video project from last Spring; learning a few new songs for possible future performances; some photography projects; discovering a lot of new unsigned artists and friends on MySpace; and there's always my personal recordings-- I've written and recorded studies of four new songs in the past couple of weeks. On top of all of that, there's the usual daily crap necessary to keep my life up and running. Wish I didn't have to work, clean, do laundry, grocery-shop, and worry about all of the things that aren't getting done.
Today I'm finishing up the mass-production of an audio CD of a group performance, which is due in two days. I'm looking toward a vacation the third week in October, most of which will be spent in Seattle. I have another vacation slated for December, and then probably a long push until the next one. Also, the injuries from my August fall seem to have healed up quite nicely, no complications. For that I'm thankful.
Since the rain seems to have set in and the weather's cooling off, I'll have to start taking extra care not to let myself get too run down, lest I have another Winter like last year-- a little too unhealthy for my liking. I'm still turning over the idea of renting out the back room, but I'm not wild about it. I'm having a hard time letting go of all of the freedoms I've enjoyed the past two years of living alone.
Bought that Raveonettes album mentioned in the last entry-- it's good. I also splurged on the first Girlyman album, the latest David Gray, and some Sloan Wainwright. I would have gone for some Unbunny and Stevenson Ranch Davidians, but alas! the music store doesn't carry them. I'll have to purchase online-- more and more the case, lately, as the democratization of both recording and advertising allows people to distribute their own music in a way not possible pre-internet.
:: Anne 2:50 PM [smartass remarks] ::