:: anne in the attic ::

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:: Thursday, October 13, 2005 ::

Well, this is a first. Today I broke a string on my Fender acoustic. I never play hard enough to do that. To boot, the strings are only a couple of weeks old. Major milestone in the profile of a musician? Maybe, but more like what a dumbass thing to do. I was all miked up and working on a new song ("Pixie Sticks" - yes, I know it's actually "Stix," but I changed it to avoid issues with the company. People will still know what I'm talking about; and besides, there's more to it than that). I think it might be the first full-on upbeat alternative rock song I've done. Anyway, it's been a fairly prolific month and I've neglected the blog again. Apologies to anyone who still comes looking for updates. I try to get over here at the very least once a month, if just to let long-distance-incommunicado-save-the-net friends know I'm still kickin' a little.

Though I can't say much about it yet, the film project has begun. It looks to be a couple of years in the making and though I purchased a decent tri-pod, the only other expense I believe it will require is constant media. I've got hundreds of blank dvd's on hand, and I should be able to figure out lighting on a case-by-case basis.

The beautiful Fall days make work easier to take (i.e., having to go at all), though I suspect the weather will complete its change-up within the month and Winter will have its way with me again. The avian flu scare doesn't really concern me as much as the regular flu or any of those other culprits that move in when your defenses are down. I've been pretty tired lately-- gotta watch that.

Vacation number four is coming up in two weeks, and I'm looking forward to a short trip to Seattle. Vacation number five is in December, when I'll probably go up to Portland again, as my brother's band is playing on his birthday. After that, I imagine a few months' stretch before I take time off again. Feels like it's going to be a cold and expensive Winter-- thanks a lot, George Fucking Bush. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm considering going back on the overtime-desired list for a month or two after the new year, just to make a few extra thousand to cover the rising cost of living that bad government and natural disasters have set upon us.

:: Anne 3:30 PM [smartass remarks] ::
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