:: anne in the attic ::

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:: Saturday, December 31, 2005 ::

Well, shit. Another year, huh? Am I going out to celebrate? Not me. Resolutions? Fuck, why not? I suppose I could...

1. Drink more fucking water.
2. Eat less fucking chocolate.
3. Get up 10 minutes earlier so as not to be late for work.
4. Show my fellow human beings a little more compassion.

But really, I think not, because...

1. I will drink as little water as I damn well please-- the less I drink, the more room there is for COFFEE!
2. Oh, yer fuckin' crazy if you think I'd eat less chocolate-- if anything, I need MORE just to stay sane and squeeze every little droplet of pleasure out of my menial, crappy existence!
3. Look, don't bug me about my sleep, okay? I don't get enough as it is-- in fact, by the end of the week, the deficit I've accumulated usually adds up to AN ENTIRE NIGHT'S SLEEP, so spare me the 10 fucking minutes in the morning, all right?
4. You've gots ta be fuckin'' kiddin' me! People are all just a bunch of lazy, self-righteous, egocentric assholes with an obesely inflated sense of entitlement-- FUCK 'EM!

Okay, just kidding, but I'd like to thank Lewis Black for the inspiration. Happy New Year, everyone, if you can stomach it.

:: Anne 9:25 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Monday, December 26, 2005 ::
...And it's over, just like that. Christmas is becoming less significant for me with each passing year. What it really means is just a day where family and friends gather, exchange gifts, show their appreciation for one another, eat a big meal, and wax nostalgic. In my book, a person could arrange that any day of the year-- and should, I think. Why wait? Time is passing.

:: Anne 3:40 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Friday, December 23, 2005 ::

These are the albums that you can just put on, knowing full-well you don't have to skip tracks or pick up the stylus. Just put them on, and you feel comfortable, safe....

1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
2. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
3. Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
4. Radiohead - OK Computer
5. Talking Heads - Remain in Light
6. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Give It Back
7. R.E.M. - Green
8. Sarah McLachlan - The Freedom Sessions
9. Indigo Girls - Rites of Passage
10. Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments

What are yours?

:: Anne 5:28 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Sunday, December 18, 2005 ::
There's this surreal random slogan generator that will sloganize a word. I've been doing names and laughing my ass off. If you're on the list, sorry I couldn't resist. The parenthetical remarks are my own.

SLOGANS from the generator:

All the Anne that's fit to print.
For that deep down body Grant. (Ew.)
What would you do for a Kimberly?
Welcome to Dave country.
Just one Nolan - give it to me!
Tastes great, less Kelly.
Susan-Lickin' good.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Karm. (I swear, this is what came up!)
Mel. It's what's for dinner. (Oh, man.)
Just do James.

You get the idea. Way too much time-wastin' fun.

:: Anne 4:48 PM [smartass remarks] ::
:: Monday, December 12, 2005 ::
I am falling in space. Surrounded by everything I love, all of it reduced to its mass, fallible through its matter. And I am told, "Get used to it." One of the Taoist teachings is that all sorrow is bound up in our attachments and that letting go relieves sorrow. I love the freedom of that thought, but somehow can't bear the loneliness of it. Solitude, fine-- alone, yes-- but not loneliness. And without attachment, that's how I am. I just am. We wouldn't do this to music, would we? -- Remove all the unharmonious until we're left with a simple melody? And simple is fine, except that repeated by itself, it seems more like a prayer, a heartbeat. Pure and empty thoughts are lovely and peaceful, but give me some passion, something to yearn for-- some dissonance to resolve and flood me with gratitude. Show me the flaws in the branches of the tree and I will show you the most beautiful parts of the tree. And if it whispers my name and I call out, then we have music. And then I am flooded with gratitude. And I am falling in space.

:: Anne 9:23 PM [smartass remarks] ::

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