:: Friday, April 14, 2006 ::
It's a full moon tonight and, a la Nick Drake, it's also a "Pink Moon." "Gonna getcha," said he in the now famous song, thanks to a VW Jetta commercial a few years back.
I don't need any stinkin' moon to feel "got" these days. This evening I perused the tape we shot at the choir fundraiser, a bowl-a-thon, of all things. Seeing myself on film was nothing less than excruciating. I so do not fit in. And if it isn't evident by the way people don't interact with me, then it should be visually. Yeah, I know I'm ugly-- and believe me, it isn't easy looking like this. But maybe I should try to look more like a dyke, huh? It's always disappointing-- though not as surprising as I'd expect-- to find people to be shallower than I'd thought. Just because someone looks a certain way, perhaps a way you don't care for, does that mean that she can't be intelligent or skilled or even possess the same class of rights as others? Evidently so. It's just one more reason to slink out of society altogether. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can be beautiful in music.
:: Anne 12:32 AM [smartass remarks] ::