:: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 ::
 Well, after yesterday, you'd think I'd be done. But, no: as many an A/V nerd knows, one electronics toy begets another, and they just put the firepod I've been wanting on sale. It's like M-audio, but with 8 separate audio inputs which translate via firewire to 8 separate tracks (not just your average stereo left & right, like out of a mixing board, which I'm using now). Add monitor outs, a SPDIF keyboard input, and phantom power, and it's a great deal. I love the little schematic that gives a great visual example of its use:
Meantime, I'm headed out to the Rad Shack to score a digital-to-analog coaxial converter so that new DVD player can speak to the old 20" monitor.
The overtime is nice, but the weather has just been beating down on us this past week. I'm still healthy (been taking my vitamins, haven't caught the inevitable chill), but I'm tired, and the plague has already begun to take down my comrades, so I know it's only a matter of time.
:: Anne 5:22 PM [smartass remarks] ::