:: Saturday, December 09, 2006 ::
All, right, so Happy Holidays, everyone! At the tail-end of what has been a very productive vacation for me, I kicked off the season with a "cookie social" last night and had a few people over to make a mess and decorate some scrumptiously sweet (and occasionally naughty) sugar cookies. It was great, and though I had originally invited more people than actually attended, space was pretty tight-- I wish I had more space. I'd love to have a nice, big oval table that seated 12 or 14 comfortably, but I just don't have the room, so that limits my sit-down social gathering numbers.
So the rest of this weekend was planned around my brother's birthday (party tonight, mom in town for a bit tomorrow), and then I'm back to work Monday morning. This week has been a flurry of takin'-care-of-business and getting some things done that have been hanging over my head for many months. I also did M-A-J-O-R cleaning (i.e. dust removal) and overhauls in areas long overdue. And I must admit that the little studio looks pretty good now... I'm all set to have a long weekend next week (Fri-Sat-Sun) and play in it sans interruption.
Studio left & studio center-right, respectively.
:: Anne 11:59 AM [smartass remarks] ::