:: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 ::

There it is, the wah-pedal I bought yesterday. And last night was a rush of fun and new discovery. This morning, I've already spent an intoxicating hour with it. Sometimes it is good to roam unsupervised in the guitar superstore....
I actually went there looking for an Odyssey rack on wheels for the studio-- to mount some of these components together in a mobile unit. I ended up buying the store's actual demo model (usually listed for over $400), a beefy road model with much room for expansion, for about $80. Pretty stoked about that. So yesterday I began cleaning and reorganizing the studio, which spawned the trip to the guitar store in the first place. The pedal had been in the back of my mind as a possible adjunct to my little Digitech effects processor (pictured at right), and as it happens, I had an extra 9V adaptor that fit it perfectly. This is a highly affordable combo (about $130 for the both of them right now) and I recommend it for hours of entertainment and broadening recording horizons.
So, I'm into my last week of vacation for the year, and it's really nice to get all of this stuff done. I've been reorganzing different parts of the house and clearing space, getting rid of things I don't really use. The bedroom looks great, and the loft, and the small storage room off the loft have all been done. I will be making a trip to Goodwill later today.
And next week, I will be choosing my 4 vacation weeks for 2007. Although I miss not having choir this year (at least a little...), it will be nice to choose any vacation weeks I want, instead of booking 2 or 3 of them all in a clump in May & June for choir-related events, and then having to go many months without a break afterward. This next year, I am planning to go to a music camp in Mendocino in August, and the rest I'll have to think about. It's nice having one the first or second week in December, but the rest maybe earlier in the year-- like another one in January or February! YES!
:: Anne 11:44 AM [smartass remarks] ::