:: Sunday, March 11, 2007 ::
This morning, I engaged in a little therapeutic "art," using some vector brushes I scored recently from the badass real artists at DeviantArt. Very Virgoish-- precise, easy to manipulate in a gazillion different ways. So I drank my coffee and created this, in the spirit of exploration of possible CD covers, just for fun. I had to shrink it for web purposes, so my text at the bottom is hardly readable-- it says, "PREPARE to fall through your expectations." Click on it to see more detail.
 This has been a studio weekend; yet, I haven't recorded a thing. Typical. I hope to today, at some point. I restrung Red (the '65 Gibson sunburst) yesterday with some nice Martin SP acoustics and already I like the feel (mellower than the marquis, but not dead). I worked out some kinks lyrically. So why am I p utting off recording? Oh, for the usual reasons, I guess (underlying fear that it will sound like shit and general feelings of unworthiness). But today I have resolved that, after my second cup of French press brew (rediscovery of this method has been delightful), I'll forge ahead.
So last night I had the strangest dream. It involved a friend developing a love relationship with someone in Russia. It felt odd, and the circumstances weren't entirely clear. I can't remember actually seeing this person in the dream, only receiving a letter explaining somewhat and asking for supplies to be sent. It was a somewhat political situation, akin to Iraq. The funny thing was, in real life, this person is a lesbian-- but in the dream, the relationship was with a man. It was clear that this person wasn't coming back, to the surprise and chagrin of the friends who remained behind. There's a lot of speculation on my part about what this was really about, but perhaps later.
:: Anne 10:27 AM [smartass remarks] ::