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:: Monday, April 16, 2007 :: And I am sad. It's happened yet again. Today, another poor hurting soul got his hands on a gun and shot down dozens of his fellow students-- and then killed himself, this time at a university, Virginia Tech. Man, oh man. I remember when it happened here (Thurston) nine years ago in May of '98, and a year later in Colorado (Columbine) April of '99. (What is it about the Spring?) Words fail, but I am thinking of the unsuspecting and sudden victims, their families, and those who had no choice but to watch it all go down. No doubt the nation will hold its breath and grieve with them as the story of why unfolds. Why are we so unseeing or unwilling to see or acknowledge others' pain-- so much so that they would resort to such a massive display of violence? What are we afraid of?-- Is it the responsibility we fear? Well, we'd better figure it out-- how to reach these people, these anguished men. How can we better intercede BEFORE people become so desperate? That's all I can think and say for now. Peace, all.
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