:: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 ::
Yesterday, I could barely keep up with my own thoughts. There were so many stimuli, and the world was so alive around me, that I had trouble categorizing my experiences as they occurred.
Mostly, it was about how beautiful the weather and growth appeared-- this is a special time of year in Oregon. The sun and the rain played hide and seek yesterday, and in between, the neighborhoods were damp and glistening-- steam rising after the morning showers. When the sun would heat up the streets and yards, various fresh scents would fill up the air. In the late morning, I clearly smelled grape juice for quite a while as I walked. At times, it was spectacular. And it kept my head out of the "you're wasting your life" hole for a while.
One of the thought processes yesterday involved a favorite topic, soul versus body. And I hit on the analogy of The Picture of Dorian Gray to illustrate how our bodies take on the uglinesses of aging and fighting for our physical existence, while our souls, our inner selves acquire the more beautiful countenance of wisdom. Well, ideally they do-- this is not assured, of course. Our souls are not without their own scarring, but I believe the choice is ours: we can let our experiences mar us on the inside, too, or we can incorporate learning and healing toward a better end, instead reflecting the beauty of every kind of experience. I think a healthy soul arrives at the end of a physical lifetime having learned and loved and triumphed, and shows that beauty more than the body does. The Dorian Gray analogy fails in that the portrait in the story, which takes on the physicalities of aging, is hidden in the attic-- whereas the body is our aging portrait and is outwardly visible; instead, the more beautiful soul is hidden within the body, not usually visible to the naked eye. I say "not usually," because I believe glimpses are possible through people's actions, words, and especially through a person's eyes.
:: Anne 8:34 PM [smartass remarks] ::