:: Sunday, July 15, 2007 ::
Happy Birthday, Dad! [Post #2 for today....] Had a great conversation earlier this evening. He sure doesn't seem 81, but then he's always been a great conversationalist. Took me until adulthood to figure that out, really, and we seem to have better talks as the years go on. I think his critical thinking and analytical mind [gifts of the trade, a retired critic of books, film, and on occasion musical events, if I remember correctly], and especially his unabashed truth-telling keep me in the game with him-- often engaging, occasionally surprising, always laughing. Our mutual appreciation for the ironic and the macabre let us share a kind of wry joy, if I can call it that. He's down in California, but he and Marilyn are planning a trip up, probably in October. Seems like that's going to be a busy month, with my friend from Seattle visiting, and choir starting up again after this year's sabbatical. Somewhere in there is a holiday as well, which means I'll be working my ass off for about a week afterward. And next year being an election year, the politics will really start picking up in January, I'm sure. Whoa, how'd I get off on that? It gets harder to stay in the 'now' when there's all of this momentum toward future events; it takes some reminders.
:: Anne 11:22 PM [smartass remarks] ::