:: Sunday, September 09, 2007 ::
I'm officially on vacation.
So I spent the evening in the studio doing a little design work just for fun. I happened to photograph a burned out house this afternoon~ and it permeated my thoughts enough to become the next EP cover idea. I've got a title song in the works for it, and I'd include another 4 songs or so. It's a very strange idea, I know.
I could easily do a short run through Disc Makers, but first I need to check out mastering software [for all you non-techies, that's different from recording software in that it deals with normalizing the volume levels of all of the songs on a CD so that they're somewhat homogeneous]. I have a Sony mastering demo plug-in that says it works with Sonar [a Cakewalk prog], but I'm not sure if it will work with Home Rec XL. It will take time I don't have right now to find out....
This weekend is the Eugene Celebration, and I'm staffing a booth for a couple of hours tomorrow, and then Monday I'm headed to Corvallis to have morning coffee with mom and then hang out with an old friend ~ another one of my Virgo buddies ~ for the day. This is our annual birthday hang-out, which we usually seem to manage, being that our birthdays are a week apart [well, a week and a year]. Mine is the 12th and I rather like the feel of 42. Another friend of mine says, "If you like your forties, just wait ~ you're gonna LOVE your fifties!" Shit, I hope I make it.
:: Anne 12:56 AM [smartass remarks] ::