:: Friday, September 28, 2007 ::
Took the DSL speed test here, and got these results:

Not bad; Qwest advertised 1.5 Mbps down, so I'm about half a meg short on that one. The first test was worse-- about 786Kbps. Lately I have suspected that someone was stealing my bandwidth, as I don't have it locked. I have a wireless router near the edge of my house on the street side. So I could have made a "hot zone" either for people in the hostel two doors down who happen to find it, or for the neighbors who have not just found it, but are using it regularly. I don't know categorically, but I know it's not my firewall or other settings on my pc.
I really want a new laptop, but can only afford a middle-of-the-road one right now. Of course, the one I want is a decked out speedmonster, but what can I say? The studio pc has me spoiled. All I really want is to be mobile and still have the power to edit film and perhaps even record live music. I'd like to spend more of the winter in the loft where it's warm instead of the cold, cold studio [by choice-- I don't heat it, but it gets enough from the rest of the house]. I have a lot of editing to do this winter, as well as transfers, which would keep me running back and forth from the loft to the studio. Ah, well, if it's supposed to be, then it'll work out.
*****ADDENDUM Wednesday, Oct 3rd: Taking the DSL speed test at different times of day yield varying results, which should not be the case, if no one is piggybacking my connection. Last night:

And today:

:: Anne 8:03 PM [smartass remarks] ::