:: Thursday, November 08, 2007 ::
After a couple of months of toying with the idea, knowing I wanted to do it, but researching every detail so that I could do it up right, I finally took the plunge last night and bought a second monitor for the studio computer. And it's amazing. I got it for a song at Best Buy, as it's an LG discontinued model, but it's a beautiful 19" flat screen.
And it feels like tons of space, after using just the 17" for 3 years. I swapped it out for the 19" last night, as they both have VGA-ended cables, but as soon as I score a VGA-to-DVI-D adapter, I can plug one into the second port on my GeForce video card and thar she blows: 2 monitors. I can't believe everybody doesn't do this.
:: Anne 8:00 AM [smartass remarks] ::