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:: Monday, April 25, 2005 :: "Kitty Piercy is not MY mayor," read the bumper sticker I saw earlier today. Noting the shiny red high-rise truck flying the confederate flag, with airplane-sized tires, gas tanks the size of swimming pools, MPG as low as George Bush's emotional intelligence quota (hint: single digits, folks), and what looked like a gun rack inside the king cab, I thought, "I can see that." Hopefully, he was headed back to Springfield anyway. Lately I've noticed a trend of several people in my usual circles of travel and acquaintanceship who operate on a rather unsavory criterion: If you don't worship me and what I do/have done, then I have no use for you. (An alternate and less severe maxim, albeit perhaps a not entirely conscious one: If you don't have something I want, then I don't have time for you.) These are the ones I have had to give up on, really, the ones with the Narcissistic bent (and at least one textbook Narcissist), because it's way too draining. A friendship should be reciprocal, and I've come into contact with way too many people in the past five years who just want whatever I can give them, be it material goods, or more often, emotional support, without much regard in turn for my being human as well. It's discouraging when someone only contacts you when they want something from you. I'm sure I have played a role in that and am not entirely without fault, but I was raised to share and to support my friends and family when they needed it. I am willing to help all manner of folks in all manner of situations-- that's not what I mean, and that's fine. I have also received help when needed, to be fair. I'm just feeling an imbalance in my life these days of superficial people who would probably not otherwise give me the time of day. I hate to say that, but it's been brewing for a while, and I need to admit it to myself that these people are not a positive influence and move past it, draw some boundaries, and begin new endeavors.:: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 :: I just heard something on NPR about a woman who runs an "elephant orphanage." I've seen and read about how highly intelligent they are, especially socially and emotionally, and what a compelling sense of community they have. I've seen footage of several of them working together (each of them taking on different roles) to free a young elephant from being stuck in a muddy ravine. They also exhibit complex mourning behaviours when one of their community dies. Anyway, the show's guest mentioned the recent tsunami in Japan, and how the elephants knew the moment the earthquake happened, and began heading to high ground, some of them grabbing human beings as they went and putting them on their backs. Wow.:: Monday, April 18, 2005 :: Sixteen days! It's been sixteen days since I caught this illness-- and though it has pretty much left my body, what remains has left me voiceless and with an infection in my larynx/lower throat during what is probably the most crucial time of year for me to need my voice. The choir with whom I sing has its big Spring performance in less than a month, and right now is when everything solidifies as far as learning the music goes. What's worse, I'm also supposed to be part of this smaller group that is singing together, and I haven't been able to participate enough for them even to know how they sound with me. I am truly frustrated and am tired of just waiting around.:: Sunday, April 10, 2005 :: When I have fourteen songs that are polished and ready, I'll throw them together on a CD and release it. Who knows how long that will take and even if I will be able to reach that goal. But that is my life's work as I see it, and when I feel it's done, then I will rest. And I won't rest until it is done.:: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 :: Morning dawns again, a new April, and the clocks have sprung forward in anticipation, but I haven't really noticed, as I've been laid out with an evil flu since Saturday morning. I went in to work just to case up my route (took me less than two hours, working from within a fever) so that someone else could carry it, then went right home. And before I realized it, Monday had come and gone, here it is Tuesday already, and I am smack in the middle of wasting my vacation being sick. Well, fuck that. I called various people last night to cancel various obligations involving music and other such impossibilities in my condition. Later this morning, though, I'm attempting a drive up to see my brother, who was greatly disappointed at my inability to come up Saturday night as we'd planned and spend a couple of days in Portland with him. It's not like I'll be a hell of a ball; I'll only be good for some hangin' out and video games, maybe, which was all we really wanted to do anyway.
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